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Technologists -Doctors - Psychologists – Synergic Product Creation

Back in 80’s technological/Electronic products like refrigerator, washing machine, television, automobile, radio, etc. were manufactured, which stood as epitome of Human race advancements.

Marketing followed by sales were devised strategies to sell those products to human race ; who belonged to different geography, locale, gender, ethnicity, etc.

Marketing & Sales – undivided & still the strongest arm of any organization decides the fate in success.

Numerous examples are still bright in history; “where created best-in class technological products; but weak Marketing, Sales, Human need Analysis, have never took the product off shelf to people’s House”

Unknowingly – Marketing & sales have utilized the human imagination, need, fascination as only tool to “market – appeal – sell” to people.

Decade back, Executives understood the need : “Technical products need to be built with people imagination to succeed, rather than allowing technical complex interface to interact & product to die on its own”.

Tangential shift for creation of products were involved :

As Technologists in an earlier phase create a prototype of products & then a feedback loop mechanism is involved with Doctors & Psychologists :

Medicinal Doctors : Who research ?

How Human brain , Five Senses & different organs of body react medically - pre, while, post interaction with the product.

Psychologists : Who research ?

How humans exhibit their behavior, emotions - pre, while, post interaction with the product.

Technologists : Who research & Create ?

How to create the products interface as understood from feedback loop mechanism from above scientifically derived areas.

This trio synergy has created a wonders, as resultant products are created with prior cognizance of :

a. Medicinal impact for five senses & creation of happiness quotient with product.

b. Psychologically – Touch, feel, size, dimension, color combination, placement of features.. etc

c. Technologically – Feasibility study of product before product entering the market & creation of bank of improvement features.

Now, marketing knows exactly “what to market – how to appeal – Expectation of Human reactions”. This devised strategy have been a “game changer” in product creation life cycle & Humans needs are greatly satisfied from technology.

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Meghna Bhairappa Website
I am Meghna Bhairappa
User Experience Designer
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